Espertone Neochip NES VST Plugin v1.1 - Download Link

Originally this was my University final project for Sound Art & Design in 2007. Created in Synthedit, it was an emulation of the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) sounds chip, the 2A03.

It only emulated the two pulse waves and the triangle, not the noise channel.

In 2022 I found a video on YouTube detailing some people still using the synth with some errors. Eventually I managed to resurrect the project by using a specific version of 32-bit synthedit, and hunting through WayBack machine and other old corners of the internet for lost 32-bit modules.

Eventually I managed to export a new version that fixes some bugs. That said, it’s from 2007, from the 32-bit age of computing. The world has moved on and it can’t be gauranteed bug free, but it’s still fun to use!

I was recently told that Toby Fox used the synth when making chiptunes for Undertale, which is very cool if true!



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